



目 录
















































华润知产公司系“華潤萬象城”“the miXc 萬象城”“万象城”等商标的普通许可使用人,并有权以其名义进行诉讼维权;“華潤萬象城”商标系华润(集团)有限公司(简称华润集团)于2008年注册;“the miXc 萬象城”“万象城”商标系华润(深圳)有限公司于2016年注册,在“the miXc 萬象城”“万象城”商标注册之前,华润集团旗下公司运营的“万象城”项目已经对上述商标大规模使用并进行宣传推广。华都公司在其开发的楼盘及宣传中使用了经祥隆企业集团有限公司(简称祥隆公司)授权使用的“祥隆万象城”注册商标;“祥隆万象城”商标系祥隆公司于2013年注册。华润知产公司认为“the miXc 萬象城”“万象城”商标在核准注册前已构成未注册驰名商标,华都公司使用“祥隆万象城”注册商标侵害了“the miXc 萬象城”“万象城”商标权,请求法院判令华都公司停止使用“祥隆万象城”注册商标及其他相关被诉标识并赔偿经济损失。

法院经审理认为,华都公司使用的“祥隆万象城”虽为注册商标,且注册时间早于“the miXc 萬象城”“万象城”商标时间,但“the miXc 萬象城”“万象城”商标在祥隆公司申请商标注册前,已在房地产行业具有极高的知名度和影响力,构成未注册驰名商标,祥隆公司作为房地产行业经营者,申请注册“祥隆万象城”商标,明显具有攀附涉案“the miXc 萬象城”“万象城”未注册驰名商标知名度的主观恶意,华都公司在涉案楼盘上使用“祥隆万象城”商标,容易使相关公众误认涉案楼盘项目与权利人“the miXc 萬象城”“万象城”的服务有特定联系,侵害了涉案“the miXc 萬象城”“万象城”商标权。法院判令华都公司停止侵权并赔偿经济损失307.2万元。









































































































为讲好山东故事,打造山东名片,带动全社会形成创新发展的浓厚氛围,山东高院开展知识产权专业化审判二十周年庆祝活动。召开新闻发布会发布《山东法院知识产权司法保护状况(2001-2021)》中英文版和《山东法院知识产权典型案例选(2001-2021)》,制作《二十年 正青春——奋进中的山东知识产权审判》专题宣传片,开展知识产权优秀裁判文书和优秀调研成果评选,表彰知识产权审判工作先进集体与先进个人。上述活动被新华社、大众日报等中央、地方主流媒体广泛报道,取得良好效果。通过上述活动的开展,既总结二十年来山东省知识产权司法保护的宝贵经验,又查找问题、补齐短板、展望未来,同时也扩大山东省知识产权司法保护影响力,以司法裁判引领社会风尚,积极营造尊法学法守法用法的良好氛围。








































《Intellectual Property Protection by Shandong Courts in 2021》

In 2021, Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Shandong courts strictly adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, comprehensively implemented the guiding principles of the Party’s 19th National Congress and all plenary sessions of the 19th Party Central Committee, and earnestly carried out the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches on strengthening intellectual property right protection. By closely focusing on the goals and tasks established at the Shandong Intellectual Property Right Protection Conference, aiming at the general compliance, positioning, and orientation toward “being the spearhead and making advances on all fronts” and “three in the forefront” concepts, Shandong courts dedicated significant effort to ground work in this new stage of development, apply the new development philosophy, foster a new pattern of development, promote high-quality development, and provided powerful judicial services and guarantees for building a modern and powerful province in a new era.

I. Efficiently and Fairly Hearing Various Cases in accordance with the Law, and Giving Full Play to the Role of Intellectual Property Right Trials

Shandong courts always adhere to prioritizing law enforcement and case handling, give full play to the important role of intellectual property right trials in stimulating innovation and creativity, maintaining fair competition, and promoting cultural prosperity, and have tried various intellectual property right cases in a fair and efficient manner in accordance with the law.

(I) The total number of cases continued to increase

In 2021, Shandong courts newly accepted a total of 23,275 civil intellectual property cases of first-instance, up by 18% year-on-year. Among them, 7,763 trademark cases were accepted, up by 23% year-on-year; 1,872 patent cases, up by 21% year-on-year; 11,189 copyright cases, up by 11% year-on-year; 891 unfair competition cases, up by 138% year-on-year; and 1,382 intellectual property contract cases, up by 11% year-on-year. During the year, Shandong courts concluded a total of 22,558 intellectual property cases of first-instance, up by 15% year-on-year. The number of accepted and concluded cases exceeded 20,000 for the first time. Among the concluded cases, 15,598 cases were concluded through mediation or withdrawal, up by 13% year-on-year, and the rate of mediation and withdrawal reached 69%.

Fig. 1. Graph of number of civil intellectual property cases of first-instance accepted and concluded by Shandong courts in 2021

Fig. 2. Graph of civil intellectual property cases of first-instance accepted and concluded by Shandong courts in the past five years

In 2021, Shandong courts newly accepted 2,146 civil intellectual property cases of second-instance, up by 22% year-on-year. Among them, 814 trademark cases were accepted, up by 38% year-on-year; 166 patent cases, up by 55%; 786 copyright cases, up by 13%; 124 unfair competition cases, up by 5% year-on-year; and 256 intellectual property contract cases, up by 11% year-on-year. During the year, Shandong courts concluded 2,093 cases, up by 21% year-on-year, including 755 cases concluded through mediation or withdrawal, up by 20% year-on-year, and the rate of mediation and withdrawal reached 36%.

Fig. 3. Graph of civil intellectual property cases of second-instance newly accepted by Shandong courts in 2021

In 2021, the Shandong High People’s Court newly accepted 909 civil intellectual property right cases and concluded 867 cases, which included 2 newly accepted first-instance cases; 795 newly accepted second-instance cases, with 767 concluded; 74 newly accepted petitions for retrial, with 62 concluded; 5 newly accepted retrial cases, with 5 concluded; and 33 newly accepted jurisdiction cases, with 33 concluded.

(II) Giving full play to the role of intellectual property right cases trials

Shandong courts closely followed the theme of promoting high-quality development, accelerated the construction of a new development pattern, focused on technological and cultural innovation and industrial development, cracked down on various intellectual property infringements, and consistently improved the judicial capacity to protect property rights and the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs.

1.Strengthening the protection of the ownership right of scientific and technological achievements and stimulating innovation in scientific and technological research and development

Shandong courts strengthened the protection of key and core technologies and original innovation achievements, stimulated technological progress and industrial upgrade, and consistently optimized the legal environment for scientific and technological innovation. In 2021, Shandong courts newly accepted a total of 1,313 civil technology-related intellectual property cases of first-instance, and concluded 1,267 cases, up by 33% and 25% year-on-year respectively, including 164 invention patent cases, with 148 concluded; 409 utility model patent cases, with 455 concluded; 36 cases of disputes over patent ownership, with 23 concluded; 154 cases of disputes over computer software copyright, with 108 concluded; 425 cases of disputes over technical contracts, with 422 concluded; 13 cases of disputes over technical secrets, with 15 concluded; 72 new plant variety cases, with 59 concluded; and 40 other cases, with 37 concluded.

Fig. 4. Graph of first-instance technology-related civil cases accepted and concluded by Shandong courts in 2021

Shandong courts focused on strengthening the study on cutting-edge legal issues in new types of cases, and intensified protection of core technologies in new fields and new scenarios. The “router method invention patent case” heard by the Jinan Intellectual Property Tribunal was the first case where process patent was infringed in field of network communication in China, which was selected and listed in the No. 159 of the 28th group of Guiding Cases of the Supreme People’s Court. The determination of confidentiality measures in the “case of infringement of technical secrets for the gas transmission rate tester” heard thereby was promoted by the Supreme People’s Court under the 2020 technology-related adjudication rules. Clerical Errors in Claims Should be Determined Based on the Description, Drawings, and Common Knowledge in the Art compiled thereby was selected and listed in the “2021 Annual Cases of Chinese Courts.”

Shandong courts strengthened the protection of major agricultural scientific and technological achievements and new plant varieties with independent intellectual property rights, safeguarded the safety of China’s provenance and seed industry, and ensured the effective implementation of the national food security strategy and rural revitalization strategy. Over the year, a total of 72 new plant variety cases were newly accepted, up by 700% year-on-year, and 59 cases were concluded, up by 436% year-on-year, both of which hit record highs. The Jinan Intellectual Property Tribunal heard the “case of the dispute over the infringement of rights in new plant variety by the cucumber Derit 79”, through accurately complying with infringement identification standard of being close to the threshold value, transferring the burden of proof in a timely manner, and reducing the difficulty of proof by right holders of new plant varieties, this case was selected and listed in the “Typical Cases of Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Seed Industry by the People’s Courts (second batch).”

2. Strengthening protection of commercial logos and serving the construction of a strong province with brands

Shandong courts resolutely prohibited trademark free-riding and counterfeiting, helped maintain the market value of well-known brands, gave full play to the brand effect of well-known brands integrating innovative elements and resources, and promoted the realization of the strategic goal of strengthening Shandong Province with brands. In 2021, a total of 7,763 first-instance civil cases of infringement of well-known brands both within and outside of Shandong Province and those within China and overseas, including Tsingtao Beer, Weichai, Changyu, Dong’e Ejiao, The Mixc, Yili, Mengniu, Nike, NBA, and others were newly accepted and 7,726 cases were concluded, up by 23% and 26% year-on-year respectively. In the “case of dispute over trademark infringement and unfair competition of Tencent”, the Shandong High People’s Court fully supported the right holder’s claim for compensation of RMB 20 million based on the evidence submitted by the right holder under the circumstance that the infringer refused to submit complete account books, thereby severely cracking down on the acts of counterfeiting trademarks and trade names in accordance with the law. This case was selected by the Supreme People’s Court and listed in the “50 Typical Intellectual Property Right Cases of Chinese Courts in 2020.” In the “case of dispute over trademark infringement and unfair competition of Heineken”, the Shandong High People’s Court changed the traditional thinking that administrative procedures are preferred or must be preceded, and ordered the infringer to stop the use of the design patent in accordance with the law if the design patent rights granted later infringed upon others’ prior trademark rights, thereby regulating abnormal patent applications through adjudication. This case was selected and listed in the “Top 10 Intellectual Property Adjudication Cases with the Most Research Value in China in 2020.”

Fig. 5. Graph of civil first-instance trademark cases in Shandong courts in 2021

3. Strengthening copyright protection and helping build a culturally strong province

Shandong courts actively dealt with new issues of copyright protection related to digitization, networking, and intelligence, accurately grasped the judicial standards for copyright in the new technological environment, and supported the healthy development of the digital economy. In 2021, a total of 11,189 first-instance civil cases of copyright infringement were newly accepted by Shandong courts, and 10,786 were concluded, up by 11% and 7% year-on-year respectively. Among them, 5,882 cases involving the infringement of the right of information network dissemination were newly accepted and 5,840 were concluded; 3,311 cases involving the infringement of the rights of reproduction and distribution of works were newly accepted and 3,097 were concluded; 1,222 cases involving the infringement of the right of show were newly accepted and 1,170 were concluded; and 774 other cases were newly accepted and 679 were concluded. In the “case of dispute over Migu infringing upon the right of information network dissemination”, the Shandong High People’s Court affirmed the effectiveness of the evidence obtained from a third party electronic evidence service platform, which meets the requirements for obtaining evidence in civil litigation, thereby effectively reducing the burden of proof for the right holder, and providing a feasible path for new technology in the solution to the difficult problem of evidence collection and provision in juridical practice. Therefore, the case was selected and listed by the Supreme People’s Court as one of the “Top 10 Typical Cases Involving Internet”.

Fig. 6. Graph of civil first-instance copyright cases in Shandong courts in 2021

4. Regulating unfair competition and maintaining a fair competition order

Shandong courts fairly and efficiently tried various anti-unfair competition cases in accordance with the law, severely punished unfair competition such as compulsory “execution of exclusive dealing agreement” and “click farming and fraudulent credit speculation”, effectively protected the legitimate rights and interests of market players and consumers, and maintained and promoted fair competition in the market. In 2021, 891 first-instance civil cases of unfair competition were newly accepted by Shandong courts and 821 were concluded, up by 138% and 140% year-on-year respectively. Among them, 252 cases of disputes over trade names and packaging design were newly accepted and 215 were concluded; 155 cases of disputes over enterprise names were newly accepted and 128 were concluded; and 122 cases of disputes over counterfeiting were newly accepted and 81 were concluded. In the “unfair competition case of dispute over execution of exclusive dealing agreement of ele.me vs. Meituan”, the Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal strictly complied with the standards for determining platform-related monopoly and prohibited “execution of exclusive dealing agreement” to prevent disorderly expansion of capital and promote healthy and standardized development of the platform economy. In the “unfair competition case of dianping.com”, the Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal severely cracked down on unfair competition that disrupted economic order, such as “click farming and fraudulent credit speculation,” and effectively safeguarded fair, just, free, and honest competition among Internet platform merchants. These two cases were widely reported by the People’s Court Daily, China Intellectual Property News, and other media. In the “case of Tencent commercial defamation dispute”, the Shandong High People’s Court made a correct determination on whether the alleged infringer’s acts constituted commercial defamation by correctly grasping the essential elements of commercial defamation, which effectively promoted the standard and legal development of the Internet industry. The judgment document on this case was rated as the 4th “100 Excellent Judgment Documents” from nationwide courts.

Fig. 7. Graph of first-instance civil cases of unfair competition in Shandong courts in 2021

5. Strengthening equal protection and creating a “preferred place” for dispute resolution

Shandong courts closely focused on the overall development of the party and the country, insisted on the principle of equal protection, safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of right holders and strove to create a good international business environment. In 2021, Shandong courts newly accepted 863 first-instance civil cases involving the intellectual property rights of foreign entities and the entitles in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan and concluded 968 cases, accounting for 3.7% and 4.3% of total cases respectively. Among them, 477 cases involving foreign-related trademark rights were accepted and 527 were concluded, accounting for 55% and 54% respectively; and 363 cases involving foreign-related copyright were accepted and 415 were concluded, accounting for 42% and 43% respectively. In the cases of infringement of foreign trademarks, well-known international brands such as Chanel, Prada, Nike, Adidas, Levi’s, Louis Vuitton, and Hennessy as well as clothing, perfumes, alcohol, fertilizers, and other commodities were involved. In addition to safeguarding legitimate rights by foreign entities, the domestic entities, such as Gaoping Yaoyi Trading Co., Ltd., brought lawsuits against foreign entities such as NETGEAR for infringement of invention patents. In the “case of dispute over MicroEssentials trademark infringement and unfair competition”, based on the fact that the infringer had an all-round free-ride on the right holder’s business reputation to commit long-term infringement, the Shandong High People’s Court fully supported the right holder’s claim for compensation of RMB 10.3 million as the right holder had put in every effort to collect and produce evidence but the infringer refused to provide access to its account books, thereby effectively cracking down on infringement and comprehensively protecting the legal rights of the right holder. In the “case of dispute over Syngenta trademark infringement and unfair competition”, the Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal focused on strengthening the protection of the world-renowned and world-leading agricultural multinational group, and severely punished the source of infringement, thereby effectively safeguarding orderly market competition of the agricultural products.

Fig. 8. Graph of first-instance civil cases of intellectual property rights involving foreign entities in Shandong courts in 2021

II. Improving the Overall Efficiency of Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Striving to Create a Legal Environment Conducive to Innovation and Creativity

Based on actual intellectual property trials, Shandong courts strengthened coordination and cooperation with administrative functional departments, expanded diversified dispute resolution channels, strengthened judicial openness, consistently increased awarding of damages, and effectively improved the judicial ability to consistently and comprehensively optimize the business environment.

(I) Holding celebrations for the 20th anniversary to effectively enhance the influence of judicial protection

The year 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the specialized trial of intellectual property rights in Shandong courts. Over the past 20 years, the number of intellectual property cases accepted by Shandong courts has increased dramatically, from 186 in 2001 to 23,555 in 2021; the field of protection has been continuously expanded, covering all types of cases, involving the creation, utilization, protection, management, and service of intellectual property rights; the jurisdiction layout has been gradually optimized, forming a layout of jurisdiction by the Shandong High People’s Court, the two intellectual property tribunals, other intermediate courts, and 21 local courts; the level of protection has been constantly improved, a total of 4 cases have been selected as the guiding cases of the Supreme People’s Court, 15 cases have been selected and listed in the Gazette of the Supreme People’s Court and Annual Report of the Supreme People’s Court on Intellectual Property Cases, and 40 cases have been selected and listed in the “Top 10 Intellectual Property Cases in Chinese Courts” and “50 Typical Cases” of the Supreme People’s Court. In 2021, Zhou Qiang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and President of the Supreme People’s Court, inspected the judicial work done in Shandong and fully affirmed the judicial protection of intellectual property rights by Shandong courts. He Rong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice President of the Supreme People’s Court, fully affirmed the judicial protection of intellectual property rights by Shandong courts and gave important instructions thereon. Xu Xianming, member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and Deputy Director of the Supervision and Judicial Committee of the National People’s Congress, led a research group to investigate the intellectual property trials in Shandong courts and spoke highly of the same.

To properly highlight the story of Shandong, create a novel “claim to fame” for Shandong, and drive the entire society to form a strong atmosphere of innovation and development, the Shandong High People’s Court launched a series of publicity celebrations to commemorate the 20th anniversary. The Shandong High People’s Court held a press conference to release the Chinese and English versions of the Intellectual Property Protection by Shandong Courts (2001-2021) and Selection of Typical Intellectual Property Cases in Shandong Courts(2001-2021), produced a promotional video themed on 20 Years of Youth - Shandong Intellectual Property Trials in Progress, selected outstanding judgment documents and outstanding research results on intellectual property rights, and rewarded advanced collectives and individuals in intellectual property trials. These activities were widely reported by the central and local mainstream media such as Xinhua News Agency and Dazhong Daily and achieved good results. Through these activities, the Shandong High People’s Court not only summarized the valuable experience in judicial protection of intellectual property rights in Shandong Province over the past 20 years, discovered problems, resolved shortcomings, and looked forward to the future, but also expanded the influence of judicial protection of intellectual property rights in Shandong Province, led social trends through judicial adjudication, and actively created a good atmosphere for respecting, studying, abiding by, and applying the law.

(II) Improving the protection linkage mechanism to strengthen the whole-chain protection of intellectual property rights

Shandong courts established and enhanced a standardized and institutionalized cooperation mechanism with market supervision, intellectual property, and cultural management authorities to enable cooperation in information sharing, problem discussion, and diversified dispute resolution, and to build a large-scale protection work pattern of judicial protection, administrative support, and social cooperation. The Shandong High People’s Court and Shandong Administration for Market Regulation held exchange forums on strengthening protection of intellectual property rights, and jointly signed and issued the Framework Agreement on Cooperation between Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Administrative Law Enforcement. Jinan Intermediate People’s Court strengthened communication with public security, procuratorial, market supervision, and other authorities, and signed agreements with the Municipal Administration for Market Regulation and the provincial National Intellectual Property Protection Center to jointly punish intellectual property infringement. Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court and Municipal Administration for Market Regulation held a symposium on integrated judicial and administrative protection of intellectual property rights, to discuss a new model for the integrated judicial and administrative protection of intellectual property rights. Zaozhuang Intermediate People’s Court and Jining Intermediate People’s Court jointly formulated and signed the Framework Agreement on Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Huaihai Economic Zone with the intermediate courts in 10 cities including Xuzhou and Huaibei, and they jointly released typical cases of judicial protection of intellectual property rights in Huaihai region. Weifang Intermediate People’s Court, Weifang Municipal Bureau of Justice, and Weifang Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism jointly issued the Measures for Implementation of “Three Mediations and One Litigation” for Copyright Disputes, realizing the complementarity of judicial and administrative advantages, and strived to achieve a full chain of copyright protection. Zibo, Yantai, Binzhou, and Dezhou Intermediate People’s Courts signed a collaborative protection agreement or established a linkage mechanism with the administrative agencies to jointly punish intellectual property infringement and form a joint force for intellectual property protection. The Decheng Primary People’s Court of Dezhou, and the Linqing Primary People’s Court of Liaocheng established a joint meeting system for intellectual property protection with the Procuratorate, Public Security Bureau, Justice Bureau, Administration for Market Regulation, and other relevant units at the district level to realize the collaborative progress of non-litigation dispute resolution, administrative law enforcement, and judicial protection of intellectual property rights.

(III) Improving diversified dispute resolution mechanisms to promote pre-litigation resolution of conflicts and disputes to the greatest extent

Shandong courts insisted on prioritizing the application of non-litigation dispute resolution mechanisms, improved the mediation linkage mechanism with relevant administrative authorities, people’s organizations, rights protection centers, industry associations, chambers of commerce, etc., and improved the connections between litigation and mediation, mediation and arbitration, administrative law enforcement and mediation, as well as the working system of multi-departmental consultation and cooperation, to resolve conflicts and disputes before entering the stage of litigation to the greatest extent. Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal gave special lectures to people’s mediators in various cross-jurisdiction regions, and utilized mediation to continuously improve the level of diversified cross-regional resolution of intellectual property disputes. Yantai Intermediate People’s Court and Municipal Administration for Market Regulation signed the Framework Agreement on the Integrated Administrative and Judicial Protection Mechanism of Intellectual Property Rights and established the Yantai Intellectual Property Dispute Mediation Center to improve the social and multi-channel intellectual property dispute resolution mechanism. Weifang Intermediate People’s Court and Weifang Arbitration Commission signed the Opinions on Further Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Arbitration Case Preservation, Enforcement and Judicial Review to promote the establishment of a comprehensive arbitration service window, strengthen the communication mechanism, and promote diversified dispute resolution. Weihai Intermediate People’s Court guided several mediators on the spot to conduct mediation, facilitated the conclusion of mediation agreements for 28 disputes, and provided professional training to all mediators on mediation skills and methods for intellectual property disputes. Binzhou Intermediate People’s Court and Municipal Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the Implementation Opinions on Establishing a Litigation and Mediation Linkage Mechanism for Intellectual Property Disputes to promote the construction of a diversified resolution mechanism for intellectual property disputes, 720 cases were closed through mediation before litigation in 2021, accounting for 64% of the cases. Dezhou Intermediate People’s Court and Municipal Administration for Market Regulation signed the Implementation Opinions on Carrying out Litigation and Mediation Connection for Intellectual Property Disputes, and jointly established the “Litigation and Mediation Connection Studio for Intellectual Property Protection”. The Decheng Primary People’s Court of Dezhou integrated a professional IP trial team, a court rapid ruling and mediation center, a social IP rights protection association (professional IP mediation committee) into one platform, and specially invited mediators of the Ningjin County (Fitness Equipment and Furniture) Rapid Rights Protection Center and the Intellectual Property Mediation Center of the Dezhou Administration for Market Regulation to utilize the Mediation Platform of the Decheng Primary People’s Court, thereby quickly opening up a new avenue for mediation.

(IV) Strengthening judicial openness and promoting the normalization of judicial publicity in an orderly manner

Shandong courts have organized the publicity campaign of “4.26 World Intellectual Property Day” for 20 consecutive years. The Shandong High People’s Court held a press conference to release the Report on Intellectual Property Protection by Shandong Courts (2020) and Top 10 Intellectual Property Cases in Shandong Courts in 2020, and organized symposiums of NPC representatives to listen to their comments and suggestions on the intellectual property trials of Shandong courts. All intermediate people’s courts also held a press conference to release white papers on judicial protection. Representatives of Binzhou Intermediate People’s Court were invited as guests in the live broadcast of Morality and Rule of Law of Binzhou TV Station to expound on and share relevant intellectual property protection information with the general public, and played relevant short videos through the Intellectual Property Theater to explain intellectual property legal knowledge in a more casual and dynamic form, thereby improving public awareness of intellectual property protection. Liaocheng Intermediate People’s Court held an exhibition of infringing goods in the square of Liaocheng Citizen Cultural Activities Center, to improve the public’s ability to identify infringing goods.

(V) Implementing a system of punitive damages to effectively enable judicial punishment to act as a deterrent

In accordance with the requirements of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Shandong Provincial People’s Government on the division of the key tasks of deepening reforms to “streamline the government, delegate power, and improve government services” so as to optimize the business environment in Shandong Province, the Intellectual Property Division of the Shandong High People’s Court, along with the Shandong Intellectual Property Research Institute and the Law School of Yantai University, studied and discussed problems related to punitive damages for infringement of intellectual property rights. They prepared the Research Report on the System of Punitive Damages for Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights based on extensive survey, developed Guidelines of Shandong High People’s Court for Judgment on the Application of Punitive Damages in the Trial of Civil Cases of Intellectual Property Infringement to refine the standards for punitive damages for infringement of intellectual property rights and put the system of punitive damages into practice, and successfully completed the key task of optimizing the business environment keeping in mind division of labor. In the Report on Evaluation of Business Environment by 10,000 Private Enterprises, Shandong Province ranked first in China in the judicial indicator score, thanks in a large part to judicial protection of intellectual property rights in Shandong Province. To accurately apply the system of punitive damages for intellectual property rights and punish infringements of intellectual property rights in accordance with the law, Zibo Intermediate People’s Court formulated the Guiding Opinions on the Application of Punitive Damages in Civil Cases of Intellectual Property Infringement, Dongying Intermediate People’s Court formulated the Opinions on Promoting the Application of Punitive Damages in Civil Cases of Disputes over Intellectual Property Infringement, Rizhao Intermediate People’s Court formulated the Judgment Rules on the Application of Punitive Damages in Civil Cases of Disputes over Intellectual Property Infringement, and Binzhou Intermediate People’s Court formulated the Opinions on the Application of Punitive Damages in Civil Cases of Disputes over Intellectual Property Infringement (Trial).

(VI) Deepening judicial exchanges and cooperation to form a good image of judicial protection

The Shandong High People’s Court was invited to participate in the 2nd Qingdao Summit for Leaders of Multinational Corporations and gave a detailed introduction on the “status of judicial protection of intellectual property rights in Shandong Province” at the forum on intellectual property protection and cooperation of transnational corporations, held a symposium on the application of “anti-suit injunction” in intellectual property infringement cases with the Shandong Law Society and Shandong University School of Law, and had an informal discussion with the China Audio-Video Copyright Association in respect of KTV operators’ infringement and compensation. Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court and Qingdao Lawyers Association jointly held seminars on cutting-edge issues, participated in academic activities such as the seminar on the “Guidelines for Enterprise Intellectual Property Compliance under the RCEP Agreement” in the Free Trade Zone, and the “4.26 Qingdao Intellectual Property Forum,” and their representatives delivered keynote speeches to enhance the brand influence of “Qingzhi.” The representatives of Weifang Intermediate People’s Court were invited to give a lecture on the “Citywide Intellectual Property Protection and Dispute Mediation Capability Improvement Training Course” held by the Municipal Administration for Market Regulation and Municipal Intellectual Property Protection Center, to provide targeted guidance on difficult and complex issues in administrative law enforcement practice. Weihai Intermediate People’s Court participated in the annual work meeting of the Weihai Intellectual Property People’s Mediation Committee and the Weihai Intellectual Property Litigation, Mediation, Litigation and Adjudication Connection and Coordination Meeting, where its representatives provided professional guidance to people’s mediators on mediation.

III. Deepening Reform and Innovation in the Field of Intellectual Property Trial and Promoting Modernization of the Intellectual Property Trial System and its Capacity

Shandong courts strengthened the trial levels and functional orientations of courts structured in a four-tier system, deepened the reform on the intellectual property trial system and mechanism, improved various working mechanisms, and constantly improved judicial capacity to deepen reform and innovation.

(1) Continuing to promote “three-in-one” mechanism reform

The Shandong High People’s Court and the People’s Procuratorate of Shandong Province held several symposiums on the “three-in-one” trial of intellectual property cases, and jointly signed and issued the Framework Agreement on Cooperation between Intellectual Property Trial and Procuratorial Functions, to work together in promoting the “three-in-one” trial of intellectual property cases. The Shandong High People’s Court formulated the Implementation Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the “Three-in-One” Trial of Intellectual Property Cases and issued it across the province for implementation, comprehensively promoting the orderly development of the “three-in-one” trial of intellectual property cases by Shandong courts. At present, Shandong High People’s Court, 17 intermediate people’s courts in the province, and 21 grassroots courts including Lixia Primary People’s Court of Jinan have all carried out the “three-in-one” trial of intellectual property cases, and the intellectual property judicial protection system and mechanisms of Shandong courts have been further improved. Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court and the People’s Procuratorate of Qingdao jointly convened a “three-in-one” work promotion meeting on intellectual property and signed the Framework Agreement on Cooperation between Intellectual Property Trial and Procuratorial Functions, to establish and improve the case jurisdiction system and coordination mechanism. Yantai, Binzhou, Dezhou, and Liaocheng Intermediate People’s Courts jointly issued or countersigned cooperation framework agreements and other documents with local procuratorial organs and public security organs, to comprehensively strengthen coordination and cooperation in the crackdown on crimes against intellectual property rights and further enhance judicial protection of intellectual property rights. Yantai, Weihai, and Liaocheng Intermediate People’s Courts also issued specific implementation plans, notices on adjustment of jurisdiction and other documents to promote the implementation of the “three-in-one” trial of intellectual property cases. In 2021, Shandong courts newly accepted 24 administrative cases of first-instance, up by 50% year-on-year, and closed 17 cases; and newly accepted 256 intellectual property criminal cases of first-instance and closed 232 cases. In the “technical secret infringement case of Qingdao Yunlu Company”, Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal awarded a civil compensation of RMB 5 million in addition to criminal sanctions, bringing down the hammer on the infringement, while highlighting the beneficial role of the “three-in-one” mechanism for intellectual property trial in rights protection.

(II) Strengthening the development of intellectual property tribunals

Since the establishment of Jinan and Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunals in 2017, the Shandong High People’s Court has continued to strengthen the development of the two tribunals. In March 2021, the Shandong High People’s Court held a special forum on the Jinan and Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunals, and made arrangements for further strengthening the development of the two tribunals under six aspects such as improving the political position and remaining broad-minded, serving the overall interests and encouraging and guaranteeing innovation, improving the layout and innovating the system and mechanism, building brands and implementing high-quality strategies, intensifying compensation and implementing the strictest protection, and cultivating talents and building a first-class team. The two tribunals actively promoted the establishment of a cross-regional intellectual property judicial cooperation mechanism, and signed work agreements with relevant intermediate people’s courts within their respective jurisdictions to establish a collaboration platform. Jinan Intellectual Property Tribunal established Zibo, Liaocheng, and Jinan Free Trade Zone Circuit Courts in addition to the original three circuit courts in Heze, Shizhong District of Jinan, and Changqing, and Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal realized the full coverage of circuit courts under the technology-related IP cases jurisdiction, thereby further optimizing the technology-related IP trial system. The two tribunals had a significant effect on leading intellectual property trials in Shandong Province. In 2021, Jinan Intellectual Property Tribunal newly accepted 1,902 intellectual property cases and concluded 1,946 cases; among them, 1,423 cross-regional intellectual property civil cases of first-instance were accepted and 1,285 were concluded. Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal newly accepted 1,696 intellectual property cases and concluded 1,497 cases; among them, 858 cross-regional intellectual property civil cases of first-instance were accepted and 757 were concluded. Due to the outstanding achievements of the two tribunals, the Shandong High People’s Court gave a statement introducing the relevant experience of the two tribunals at the Symposium on the Scientific and Technological Innovation in Service Guarantee of Intellectual Property Trial by National Courts held this year.

(III) Improving the technical fact-ascertaining mechanism

Shandong courts established a technical fact-ascertaining mechanism for technical investigators, technical consulting experts, technical appraisers, and expert assistants to participate in litigation activities, effectively improving the level of ascertaining technical facts in intellectual property disputes. Jinan Intermediate People’s Court issued the Implementation Rules for the Management of Technical Investigators (Trial), established a technical expert database, and engaged 24 technical experts as technical investigators for intellectual property trials based on the engagement of 38 nationally renowned experts as consulting experts, to build a technical investigator operating mechanism with Jinan characteristics. Based on the selection and engagement of 40 technical consulting experts and 22 part-time technical investigators, Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court requested the People’s Congress to appoint 35 technical experts to serve as jurors to participate in court trials, on-site investigations, and other litigation activities, and to assist judges in accurately understanding and efficiently ascertaining the professional and technical issues of the case, to maximize the role of experts in ascertaining technical facts. Professor Guo Yinjing from Shandong University of Science and Technology participated in the “utility model patent infringement case of mobile phone diaphragm” heard by Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal as a member of the collegial panel, which was widely reported by major media.

(IV) Improving the separate litigation mechanism for complex and simple cases

Shandong courts comprehensively strengthened the governance of litigation sources and explored a rapid trial mechanism for intellectual property cases. Jinan Intellectual Property Tribunal’s quick adjudication team accepted 1,005 cases and concluded 1,009 cases, accounting for 53% and 52% of the total number of intellectual property cases in the same period respectively. The Lixia Primary People’s Court of Jinan applied the small claims procedure for intellectual property cases and the element-based trial mode for copyright and trademark disputes and concluded 654 intellectual property cases by applying the small claims procedure. Weihai Intermediate People’s Court and Huancui Primary People’s Court set up two quick adjudication teams respectively, reducing the average case handling period to about half of that in 2020 while the number of intellectual property civil cases accepted in 2021 nearly doubled on a year-on-year basis.

(V) Strengthening the application of smart court results

Shandong courts made full use of the successful development of smart courts and relied on the full-process case handling system to achieve seamless connection of online case filing, electronic service of judicial documents, and timely ruling, thereby shortening the internal circulation cycle. The Shandong High People’s Court vigorously promoted court trials on the Internet; among the 431 cases heard in court (investigated), 325 were heard over the Internet, accounting for 75%. Shandong courts took the lead in realizing the electronic transfer of appeals to the Supreme People’s Court for technology-related intellectual property cases. Relying on the smart court platform, Jinan Intellectual Property Tribunal actively implemented the whole-process online handling of cases, thereby realizing online hearing of 114 cases via the Internet and electronic service 4,523 times during the whole year. The courts under the jurisdiction of Jining Intermediate People’s Court heard 340 cases online, with an online hearing rate of 33%. Rizhao Intermediate People’s Court heard 40 cases online, mediated 161 cases through audio and video, telephone and WeChat, and realized electronic service 294 times. Qingdao Intellectual Property Tribunal took the lead in building an “intelligent 3D evidence management system” and applying 3D scanning and modeling technology and blockchain technology to model physical evidence in 3D through 3D scanning boxes, handheld scanners, space scanners, drones, etc., to create a high-definition three-dimensional display model. The system is the first in China to achieve seamless connection of digital evidence with the case handling system of the Supreme People’s Court, through which judges and parties concerned can directly view the details of evidence from multiple angles and from all directions through electronic devices, thereby effectively solving problems related to evidence storage and transfer. This system was specially reported on the front page of the People’s Court Daily and on the official WeChat account “Building A Smart Court” of the Supreme People’s Court. Jinan Intellectual Property Tribunal actively explored and implemented the “Intelligent 3D Evidence Management Model,” built 461 “Intelligent 3D Evidence” models throughout the year and issued the “Intellectual 3D Evidence” Management Specification for Intellectual Property Trials (Trial), to comprehensively promote the in-depth integration of information technology and intellectual property trial. The above experience and practices were publicized and reported by Xinhuanet. Now the Shandong High People’s Court is heavily promoting the in-depth integration of information technology and intellectual property trials throughout the province, and several courts have gradually started relevant work.

IV. Intensifying the Guidance on Research of Intellectual Property Trials and Actively Serving the Overall High-Quality Economic and Social Development

Shandong courts strengthened research on hot and difficult issues in trials, strengthened supervision and guidance through various means, strengthened guidelines for adjudication rules, and constantly improved the judicial ability to serve the overall work situation.

(I) Strengthening trial guidance and unifying adjudication standards

At the beginning of the year, the Shandong High People’s Court formulated and issued the Key Points of Intellectual Property Trial in 2021 to make overall arrangements for the work throughout the year; completed the Analysis Report on the Remand and Amendment of the Second-instance Intellectual Property Cases and Typical Cases of Shandong Courts in 2020, summarizing and analyzing the problems in the trial of the first-instance cases by Shandong courts and defining relevant adjudication rules; unified the adjudication standards on related issues such as the seller’s infringement compensation amount, infringement compensation made by the KTV operator in Shandong Province, and the jurisdiction of intellectual property cases; and promptly pushed the experience, practices and typical cases of intellectual property judicial protection through the quarterly magazine Summary of Intellectual Property Trial and the WeChat group of intellectual property judges in Shandong Province, thereby constantly expanding the channels for trial guidance. To promote and amplify the practicability of “three-in-one” trial of intellectual property cases, the Shandong High People’s Court completed the Research Report of Shandong Courts on the Application of Laws in Criminal Cases of Intellectual Property Rights and completed the provincial social science research project Research on the Application of Laws concerning Punitive Damages for Intellectual Property Rights. Dongying Intermediate People’s Court conducted a survey and research on the protection of geographical indication certification trademarks and prepared a research report as a judicial service to further improve the market visibility of local specialties.

(II) Formulating normative opinions to accurately serve the overall interests

Strictly in accordance with the major deployments of the provincial capital such as construction of a new and old kinetic energy conversion starting zone and a free trade pilot zone, Jinan Intermediate People’s Court formulated the Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights to Promote Innovation and Development, actively extended the judicial protection function of intellectual property rights, and made every effort to serve and safeguard the innovative development of economy and society. Binzhou Intermediate People’s Court issued the Implementation Opinions on Strengthening Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Promoting the Construction of a Legalized Business Environment, to protect intellectual property rights with more energy and improve the public awareness of intellectual property protection. Dezhou Intermediate People’s Court formulated the Opinions on Giving Full Play to Judicial Functions to Protect and Promote Scientific and Technological Innovation in accordance with the Law, which was affirmed and highly appraised by the leaders of the Dezhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China.

(III) Extending judicial services to ensure innovative development

The Shandong High People’s Court proposed suggestions and comments on several deployment documents of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee such as the 2021-2022 Intellectual Property Protection Promotion Plan of Shandong Province and Intellectual Property Promotion and Protection Regulations of Shandong Province, submitted the statistics on intellectual property rights judicial cases of Shandong courts to the provincial Administration for Market Regulation, and submitted the Work Summary of Shandong Courts on the Crackdown on Intellectual Property Infringement and Manufacture and Sale of Fake and Shoddy Commodities in 2021 to the Shandong Intellectual Property Administration, thereby contributing judicial wisdom to the promotion of high-quality development in Shandong. In addition, the Shandong High People’s Court proposed suggestions for amending the draft for comments of several judicial interpretations such as the Interpretation by the Supreme People’s Court of Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China. Jinan Intellectual Property Tribunal held the “Intellectual Property Lecture Hall” to provide free online training for the public. In cooperation with the Qingdao Civil Economic Development Bureau, Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court held online seminars such as “Serving the Intellectual Property Protection of Private SMEs” and “Service Month for SMEs - I Do Practical Things for Enterprises - Intellectual Property Empowers Enterprise Development” cumulatively attracting more than 15,000 viewers online and offline, and cooperated with Shandong University School of Law to carry out the “Accessible Laws” - Court Trial of Intellectual Property Cases on Campus activity. With the help of the convenient grid platform and the technology court office system, Zibo Intermediate People’s Court set up an intellectual property trial office in the enterprise park. Yantai Intermediate People’s Court conducted lectures for the students of the Law School of Yantai University, and served as a reviewer for the students’ postgraduate thesis oral defense.

V. Always Adhering to the Correct Direction of Intellectual Property Trial and Striving to Build a Professional High-Quality Trial Team

Shandong courts promoted comprehensive and practical rectification of study and education of party history and team education and strove to build a judicial trial team for intellectual property cases with resolute political stance, holistic and international view, profound legal knowledge and sophisticated skills.

(I) Adhering to the leadership of party building and strengthening political construction

Shandong courts focused on promoting trials through team building under the leadership of party building, strengthened political construction, and built political loyalty. Shandong courts comprehensively studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “July 1” Speech and the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to constantly improve the political position and adhere to ideals and beliefs. The Shandong courts were always subject to the Party’s absolute leadership over judicial work, unswervingly marched forward on the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, deeply understood the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, strengthened the “Four Consciousnesses”, strengthened the “Four Matters of Confidence”, and achieved the “Two Upholds”. The Shandong High People’s Court, together with the Shandong University School of Law and the Party Branch of the Research Department of the Shandong Law Society, carried out party day activities on the theme of party history learning, promoted the in-depth integration of party building and trial, and achieved good results in promoting trials through team building under the leadership of party building. Furthermore, they carried out party day activities themed on “building loyalty and setting good examples”, established overall awareness and collective spirit, and formed a collective atmosphere that resolutely opposed “two-faced people” and “self-deprecation.” Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court carried out activities such as “Party Day Themed on Academician Park” and “Party Day Themed on Celebrating the Motherland’s Birthday and the Fourth Anniversary of the Court’s Establishment” to stimulate all the judges, court staff, and judicial personnel to stand firm in their ideals and principles by studying a century of party history and enhance party spirit accomplishment.

(II) Strengthening study and education to build a team with rich experience in politics and law

Shandong courts solidly carried out study and education of party history and education and rectification of political and legal team, and effectively took the study and education of party history as an integral practice of the “Two Upholds” to constantly improve the political position and stand firm in support of their ideals and principles. The Shandong High People’s Court organized all the judges, court staff, and judicial personnel to participate in the story meeting themed on “Saluting the Heroines, and Inheriting the Red Gene”, the meeting of experience sharing in the study of the party history, and the “Mission Calls for Responsibility” party spirit education, learning and training activities to improve the efficiency in study and education of party history and party spirit accomplishment. Shandong courts actively carried out the activity themed on “I do practical things for the masses”, and the Shandong High People’s Court visited Rongchang Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. and Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd. to hold discussions and exchanges on the problems these two companies encountered in intellectual property protection. Jinan, Yantai, Weihai, Tai’an, Liaocheng, and Heze Intermediate People’s Courts actively popularized laws to enterprises and provided “zero-distance” legal services enabling enterprises to boost enterprise innovation and development, thereby effectively solving the urgent and difficult problems and the anxiety faced by the people. Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court strengthened the professional construction of the trial team and the young cadre team, established the “Intellectual Property Innovation Service Team”, and actively built a national professional brand in the field of intellectual property trials.

The year 2022 is not only an important year for China to enter a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and marching toward the second centenary goal, but also a decisive year for Shandong to “achieve a breakthrough within five years” in converting old and new kinetic energy. Shandong courts will continue to closely unite around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implement the spirit of the Symposium on the Scientific and Technological Innovation in Service Guarantee of Intellectual Property Trial by National Courts, fully implement the key tasks of the “Ten Innovations” proposed at the 2022 Work Mobilization Conference of Shandong Province, strictly prioritize innovation at the core of the overall development, further intensify the judicial protection of intellectual property rights, and strive to provide more powerful judicial services and guarantees for the construction of a strong and modern socialist province in the new era to usher in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements.

The Shandong High People’s Court

April 21, 2022



